Wills for Heroes Clinic!!

Written on 08/16/2022
Randy Bellisle

Your DCSO Peer Support Team is hosting two "Wills For Heroes" Clinics in September for all sworn staff and your spouse/domestic partner.  Volunteer lawyers come to you to help you prepare simple wills and do basic estate planning for FREE to first responders.

The dates for the clinics are Saturday, September 3rd and Saturday, September 17th.

Both clinics will take place at the Ferris Center: 2120 Rimrock Road, Madison.  

Both clinics can support a total of 42 appointments.  If you and your spouse/domestic partner want to attend, this will count as two separate appointments.   Each appointment takes approximately 2 hours.  Each of the two hour time slots have 7 appointments available.  A couple would sign up for 2 of the 7 appt times.  *They require a minimum of 30 people to run the clinic. *

Please look at the Wills For Heroes website for important information regarding clinic eligibility and paperwork you will need to bring with you to the clinic.  I have attached the required paperwork to this email (Estate Planning Client Questionnaire).  You may also download it from the Wills for Heroes site.  Please have this document completed prior to your appointment and bring it with you.

Here is the link to the WFH site: https://www.wisbar.org/forPublic/INeedaLawyer/Pages/Wills-for-Heroes.aspx


Link for SEPTEMBER 3RD Wills For Heroes Clinic
(Sign-Up Deadline is 8/22/22)


Link for SEPTEMBER 17th Wills For Heroes Clinic
(Sign-Up Deadline is 9/2)


* Additionally, if you would like to explore if a will or trust is better for you and your family, there will be a separate graphic sent in a separate email that may help guide you. *

We hope you take advantage of these opportunities!

Wills for Heroes - EP Questionnaire (fillable) 1 Wills for Heroes - EP Questionnaire (fillable) 1