MADISON (WKOW) — Dane County's jail consolidation project has hit a funding roadblock.
According to a letter County Executive Joe Parisi sent to the county's Board of Supervisors, the cost of the full and re-designed project exceeds the funds available.
The update comes after consultants under contract with Dane County provided an estimate of the actual cost of the project.
"In short, if the County Board and Sheriff wish to proceed with the modified jail project as the Board previously approved, it will need to add approximately $9.8 million to the project budget, or make further reductions in design or a combination of the two," Parisi's letter reads.
The consultants estimate the full project's cost to be $190.1 million, an increase by $20 million. Parisi said even the cost of the redesigned project exceeds the original proposal — with a price tag of over $175.7 million.
During a board meeting in March, another $16 million in funds were added to the project, for a total of $165.9 million.
Parisi said the county needs a "change order" with two members of the Board in order to proceed in designing the modified project.
"It would be imprudent to design a project before knowing whether the funding needed to complete it is available," Parisi's letter reads.
Parisi said his staff is drafting a resolution for the board to consider that would include the change order and approve additional borrowing needed to complete the project. It will require a three-quarters vote by the board's August 18 meeting in order to finalize borrowing in the fall.