Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting- Jail Consolidation Project

Written on 02/15/2022

If you don't work in the Dane County Jail you may choose to discontinue reading this.  If you do work there, ever have worked there, or know of anyone who does please read on.


We are placing a link in this email to register in support of Dane County Board 2021 Res-320.  This resolution needs to be approved in order to get the additional funding needed to complete the Jail Consolidation Project.  Without additional funds the project goals will need to be cut in an effort to save money.  This will result in a facility that will not provide for the needs of the residents which will in turn make them frustrated and angry.  Sheriff's Office staff will be the ones left to contend with the problems that come from that.


Please take just a minute to follow the link below and register your support for:


Agenda Item K)1) 2021 Res-320.


Let the County Board know that you are in support of this resolution because it will make a safer and more humane jail.  You will not have to speak if you don't want to and you don't even need too attend the meeting.  You do however have to register before the meeting on 2/17/2022 (This Thursday) at 7 pm.